Recommendations Born from Findings. Research uncovered problems hindering digital accessibility and an actionable path to better practices.
State Research University
A decentralized organization faced legal risk for their noncompliance and had no plan for becoming accessible.
We created an enforceable digital accessibility plan for sustained compliance long into the future.
Analytics Investigation, Manual Accessibility Testing, Expert Reviews, Benchmark Comparison, Interviews (Students, Faculty, Staff)
Recommendations Born from Findings. Research uncovered problems hindering digital accessibility and an actionable path to better practices.
The great work truematter did was instrumental in giving us a solid foundation to work from.”
Widespread Digital Properties Review, Interviews (Stakeholders, Leadership, Students, Faculty, Staff, Campus Groups), Competitive Analysis, Analytics Investigation
Business goals address immediate needs alongside long-term opportunities.
Creating inclusive, accessible digital content has always been the right thing to do, and now the threat of litigation means the university has no time to lose.
Embrace digital accessibility to your very core and blaze the trail for the same commitment at other universities.
This sets forth the university’s immediate need as a unique opportunity for long-term leadership.
The university wouldn’t be where it is today without the truematter team.”